Everything You Need to Know About the PLAB 2 Exam

Studying for the PLAB 2 Exam is easier said than done particularly when it is the last step that you need to take to practice medicine in the United Kingdom. This clinical assessment is standard to the PLAB test performed by the General Medical Council (GMC). Read through this comprehensive article for more information about the PLAB 2 Exam and how you can easily conquer it.

What is the PLAB 2 Exam?

The PLAB 2 Exam is a practical writing assessment examination in form of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) that seeks to establish the candidate’s aptitude to address actual life medical situations in the clinical environment. While the PLAB 1 exam tests your knowledge, PLAB 2 tests your skills, your communication skills and your professionalism.

Key Features of the PLAB 2 Exam

  • Format: It includes 18 test stations, questions within each station can be answered during 8 minutes while between stations the candidate reads the task for 2 minutes.
  • Stations: These mimic real life situations for example, this is modeling a case, an enmity, or an illness, or treatment explanation to a patient.
  • Focus Areas: Theoretical knowledge, skills, ethics, and professionalism in clinical decision making and Interprofessional communication patterns.

Who Needs to Take the PLAB 2 Exam?

The PLAB 2 Exam is required to be taken by IMGs with the intention to practicing in UK and who do not possess qualification of EEA member country or Switzerland. Successfully sitting the PLAB 2 is essential to gain GMC registration.

Preparing for the PLAB 2 Exam

  • Understand the Exam Blueprint: Make sure you learn about the GMC’s PLAB 2 blueprint, which previews the skills and know-how that are expected of you.
  • Join a Coaching Course: That is why, many candidates like to take a PLAB 2 preparation course that offers practice sessions and evaluations of mock examination.
  • Practice Communication Skills: It is also important to solve these problems that good communication truly is essential. Get exposure to patients, how to explain to them the medical complications in their normal language, and how to be sympathetic to them.
  • Work on Time Management: Each station only explains eight minutes so time management is of paramount importance here. Emphasize the process of getting done due to the work’s tendency towards mediocrity.
  • Mock Exams: Partake timed mock exams so as to familiarize yourself with the structure of the test and offer you a taste of test taking pressure.

What to Expect on Exam Day

  • Arrival and Registration: One may even oversleep and get to the test center in Manchester just a little earlier than expected. There are few formalities which they would ask for your ID proof and confirmation letter.
  • During the Exam: All of the stations will have a role for the participants to fulfill, for example, to assess a patient with a simulated clinical condition or to teach counterpart from scruples about clinical procedure.
  • Assessment: This also means that the examiners will rely on criteria that they set before handling your papers in order to be fair as well as standard.

Tips to Succeed

  • Stay calm and focused.
  • “In interactions with the patient actors, focus on words said and actions done.”
  • Pledge dedication and respect for patient care to all your activities.
  • Discuss primary care diseases and the list of emergency conditions.


PLAB 2 Exam is another hurdle but definitely passable on your way to practice as a doctor in the United Kingdom. By getting the preparations right, hard work, and better resources you can be assured of passing well in this practical examination and the chance of practicing in the United Kingdom is possible.

Whereas for the PLAB 2, it’s not only about the clinical knowledge, but it’s more about showing that you are a compassionate and patient centered clinician.

Preparing should be interesting nonetheless thanks for your issue!

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